Sunday, May 14, 2006

LIfe at Ground Zero

I came to the realization the other day that I lived in the ground zero of American politics. I don't live in the heartland where farmers suffer daily praying for rain and government subsidies. I have to make it on my own without government help. I don't exactly live in the ghetto or the barrio where I have to worry about home invasions on a nightly basis, I can walk the streets of my neighborhood at night with minimal worries. No I live in Southwest Houston where New Orleans refugees have taken up camp and have wreaked havoc on our once lovely cityscape. We also live where immigrants, legal and otherwise,mostly Mexican and African, come to search for a better life than the squalid mud pit they used to call home. The ground zero reference was confirmed the other day when my wife went to our neighborhood school to register our five year old into kindergarten. There was a policeman at the school and she asked if they had to provide security on a regular basis. He told her that they didn't have to provide for more than any other school other than the occasional fight. A fight, in an elementary school, is just absurd to my way of thinking. The policeman noted that with the Immigrants and refugees sometimes racial tensions burst out and erupt into fights.

This was when I came to the realization that we lived at ground zero. With our do nothing Congress and our President who is selling good relations to our southern neighbor to the highest campaign bidder America's security runs the risk of another 9/11 plot to unfold before our very eyes. How many American lives must we lose to political correctness? Enough is enough. I will not just sit at home on the next election day, but the current batch of conservatives really need to show some mettle for them to win my appreciation and my vote, which carries more weight than the almighty dollar that is floating around the hallowed halls of American democracy.


Blogger M said...

Damn, you write REALLY WELL when you are pissed!!! Keep it up!

Sunday, May 14, 2006 7:43:00 PM  

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